Thursday, April 30, 2009

Ahh that's so Tweet

Well it’s time.

Twitter time that is.

Digital North is now on twitter. It does strike me a bit odd to blog about your twitter page. I suspect I should now really tweet about my blog.
So why twitter? To be honest I’ve resisted the twitter movement for a while now. I really couldn’t see the point. And to be more honest I still don’t. But life is a journey and we will see how this goes.

Let me know what you think.

For the record, we already have a one follower, my good friend Jim Estill. You can follow his tweets at .

Monday, April 6, 2009

We will fix it in post

While we are on the topic of causes and Facebook there is a great film you should check out.


Ok maybe I’m a little biased, I did direct it.

GOYA was shot as part of the Ed Video 24 hour film festival this past March and much to our surprise and excitement the film took home the BEST FILM award for the show. We started production at 9:15 am and wrapped the film at 4:15ish in the morning. Nothing was prepared ahead of time, and we only had the topic to work from, in this case, causes.

This was a departure piece for me as it involved working improve style which can make for challenges in the editing suite. Fortunately I worked with very talented people, Terry Barna, Daniella Forje, Gary Kirkham and Suzanne Paquin made up the acting crew while Philip Bast and Digital North’s own Dorothy Hanlon and Brian Gao helped with production.
It’s was great fun and I hope you enjoy it.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Just be Cause

At one time television was a great mover of sympathy. Flash a starving child, or whatever cause your selling across the screen and CLICK, just like that, phones rang, money exchanged hands, warm feelings of accomplishment ensued. It doesn’t have the same measure of impact in these over media’d times. Perhaps we are over stimulated and desensitized to the images, or maybe we are off of television all together.

Take for example Facebook. Just as Jane Goodall worked with the monkeys and went native, I joined Facebook as a social experiment, and did the same. If you’re on Facebook you know the joys of having someone send you a Cause Invite, some of these causes are good, some ridiculous.

The thing I noticed is that back in the days of TV you needed to pick up the phone and call… “Operators are Standing by” in order to get the satisfaction of actually doing something. Now Facebook with a click gets you similar feeling with no investment really on the your part… and presumably little impact either.

Friday, April 3, 2009

It all Depends...

Commercials are wonderful vehicles to view and to make. Because of the nature of the 30 second spot you have only 300 frames to make your point. It really helps to focus a message.

So this morning as I’m getting ready for work, catching the news, I see a new commercial. White screen background (why look for locations) and a man and a woman cut back and forth how each sex merge’s differently into traffic. This goes on for 240 of those aforementioned precious frames. The spot then cuts to the tag line... Men and Women are different. Ok kinda obvious but where is this going I ask. The commercial then ends on the Depends logo and box.

WHAT? A depends commercial? REALLY?
I wonder what goes through advertisers minds when the sell this sort of production to clients. I realize this is a cheap spot to do, so budget was up there in the consideration factor. But really ... what does this have to do with Depends? Does it really sell the product? Or does it just keep that brand awareness factor going.

On the bright side I figure I won’t need that product for a few more years