Wednesday, March 16, 2011

butter effect on your popcorn?

You know what advice is to anyone shooting a video? It doesn’t matter if you’re doing semi-pro stuff for weddings or your kid’s hockey game. Buy a tripod. I’ll say it again, BUY A TRIPOD.

I took the family last evening to see the movie Battle:LA. Quick aside; Not a bad man vs. alien movie, the usual fare of explosions, sacrifice and man overcoming the technologically superior ET.
About hour into the flick, my head is thick and dizzy. My teenage son is holding his head as well. The camera movements are dizzying.

It’s the shaky cam effect.

The latest addition to the director’s style arsenal is the idea that the camera is part of the shot. Breaking through that third wall to try to bring the audience into the scene with the actors. It was pioneered as early as 1925 made mainstream on TV shows and really taken to the edge on the Blair Witch. A few years ago while watching Cloverfield I had the same ill feeling. The whole film shot from a handheld camera. I would have happily swallowed the idea that the character broke into a camera store and used a tripod the whole movie. The effect, for me didn’t help the story, it got in the way.

I appreciate the idea that the director is looking to bring to the audience the immersive effect of being right in the action. Both movies did that, the camera jerked and swayed as the marines ran, flew violently when explosions happened, and the effect covered the short comings in the set when it needed to.

But as a technical way to cover mistakes or a vehicle to depict the scenes it doesn’t add to the story.
Legendary cinematographer Conrad Hall, (American Beauty, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid) worked wonders turning mistake like lens flares into cinema art. The “mistakes” turned into the effects and built upon the story. Some were happy accidents, some not. But the shots told the story.

And that’s the important thing. If it doesn’t add to your story, it takes away from it. This is true for video, web or print.

Regardless of the effect, the popcorn was delicious. You can catch a video discussion with Conrad Hall on the below link.

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