So here we are in the middle of the biggest recession to hit our global economy in the last 50 years. All signs point to an upswing, or so the radio pundits, TV gurus and my investment guy tell me. That’s good right?
You would think that our government is busy working hard to roll out programs to keep the economy moving. Well a quick watch of the tele will banish that bit of fantasy. So what is our conservation lead government working on you ask? Getting that infrastructure spending out early (the projected date is 2011) No, no… how about the usual smear campaign. Yeah that works, lets do that! Sigh, this old song gets so tiring.
The problem is this sort of marketing campaign does have an effect. Though I hope Canadians are smarter than that.
The big issue they are going after is that liberal leader Michael Ignatieff has spent many years abroad, working and living in other countries, most notably, the US and England. What the campaign focuses on is that Ignatieff is just visiting and really is not invested in Canada, thus is not a suitable leader. (I won’t point out that Trudeau did much the same thing).
Forget for a moment that we are talking about a multimillion dollar ad campaign here. The reason they are running the campaign is that they desperately need to change the popular focus in everyday Canadians minds from the economy and the deficit they are responsible for, to something else.
If you look at the trend of voting in this country, the numbers of Canadians that vote continue to drop. In part it has to do with the ongoing game of politics played in Ottawa and across this country. The average Canadian is tired of the ongoing one-upmanship that seems to plague this country’s politics and that fact is reflected in the voting turnout.
Now you could ask what the Liberals are doing about it. Taking the high road? Well, kinda, the only reason you don’t see counter commercials is the Liberal party is nearly broke. They did produce a very elegant response, posted on Youtube.
So where is this all heading…. You guessed it another election. Back to the poles kidddos and do try and get out and vote.
Well put! Great another election that will also cost a mint and could be better used to get this economy back on it's feet!