Friday, January 21, 2011

Another round of attack ads barkeep!

You know, for a country not in election mode the big boys sure are busy.

Last week the Harper Conservatives launched their attack ads. Not really a surprise. What bugs me about these ads is that they are simply attack ads on the liberal leader’s credibility. He lived abroad; he worked for the Americans and so on. Nowhere in the ads is any content as to what the Conservatives will do, how their policies are better. In the case of ad attacking the Liberal almost Coalition the Conservatives slam the Liberals for daring to think about forming a government this way, forgetting the fact the Harper tried some years ago.

You can view the ads here.

Now the Liberals are not much better but I’ll give them the credit, their ads at least focus on what the Harper Conservatives have done wrong. But having just heard Michael Ignatieff speak at a town hall meeting indicating they would focus on the issues and leave the attack ads to the other guys it leaves me to wonder now that they are using them

Fair enough, the Liberal ads aren’t personal attack ads, but they do use fear as a motivator to not vote Harper.

The Liberal ads are here.

The issue is one of how to use the media. Ads that attack or use fear as a goad work all too well, and they shouldn’t. George Bush in his 2004 campaign against John Kerry used fear to turn public opinion against a decorated war vet (something that usually resonates with the middle class voter) making Kerry having served a negative. George himself didn’t serve in the military actively, but through the use of attack ads made this not only a non issue but a problem for Kerry.

The Conservatives have learned well at the heels of their republican look a likes. It’s what turned the election against Martin and Dion, and it looks like we will see more of the same this time around. Issue is that this style of mudslinging serves no one and is in part one of the reasons for the decline in voter turnout. But as long as the people continue to be swayed by these ads we will keep seeing them.

And that’s a shame.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

it IS NOT just business.

it's just business.

you know, if there are three words I hate when strung together those would be them.

I've heard then used to me and I've heard them used in regards to a future discussion someone else has planned.

When I've heard them addressed to me, I usually find myself holding the short end of the stick. That's ok, it IS business, and sometimes business decisions have to happen. So I'm not whining that i didn't win the quote or the other kid got to the swings first.

Perhaps it comes from what I've found in many business management books. The authors preach an adversarial warlike approach to business.That any action I take to crush my completion is ok, even lying to get inside info, because... wait for it.. it's just business. I don't agree with that principle.

No, what I dislike is the lie that the people using those words tell themselves to justify whatever act underlies those words.

And it is a lie.

When you hide behind the statement its just business, you surrender your morality and forgive yourself the action that on some level you suspect is wrong. The words are a salve to your own actions and a way to excuse your conscience from owning the fact you had to do something not in the best interest of someone else.

And again, these actions happen, it's ok. Just own the fact and make the tough call.

You and whoever is holding that short end of the stick will be better people for it.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Tis a new year

OK... I surrender.
I give in and beg forgiveness.
I promised a while back to write more and with that I have failed.
It's very difficult to find the time or the spark of an idea that's worthy to share.

But .. it's a new year
let's try again shall we?

There is lots on the go here at the world headquarters of Digital North and lots of new things to share.
you will hear more about them in the upcoming weeks.
In the mean time, I wish you all the best for a fun, safe and prosperous 2011.

talk soon